Join us Sundays at 10 AM at Westminster Mall for in-person Bible lessons, recorded for our YouTube community. Come early for coffee and fellowship.
Founded in 2000, we've always been an inclusive community, dedicated to loving and serving our neighbors, friends, and family within the LGBTQ+ community. We moved from Long Beach to Orange County to provide a truly inclusive church here. If you're seeking an affirming church, we hope you'll find a home at Open Door OC.
"Love one another as I have loved you." — Jesus
We are a diverse, fluid community that prioritizes understanding the Bible in its proper context, not becoming a big church. This approach helps us grow, heal, and live meaningful lives together.
Join us to experience the warm welcome Jesus asks us to offer everyone. At Open Door OC, everyone is valued, appreciated, encouraged, and affirmed—including you.
"Love does no harm to their neighbors."
— Paul the Apostle
Our all-volunteer leadership ensures most of our resources serve those in need, both within and outside our church. Our team of Ministers use their time and skill sets to minister, and foster spiritual growth, with the hope of developing future progressive Christian leaders.
If you believe in loving your neighbor as yourself, we might be a great fit. We value everyone and encourage exploring volunteer and mentoring opportunities—there's a place for everyone.
We are a diverse community, and Open Door OC encourages everyone to serve and lead in areas matching their skill sets, helping us grow together.
"Do the good to others that you want done to you." — Jesus
Copyright © 2000-2024 OpenDoorOC - All Rights Reserved.
Watch and engage with us on our YouTube channel. Leave comments on our videos or join us live on Sundays at the Westminster Mall in Westminster, California. https://youtube.com/c/opendooroc