Your support and contributions are greatly appreciated. Thank you for being part of the community, and for helping us share God's love with everyone. Read below what your giving accomplishes.
When you support Open Door OC, you help create a safe space where anyone can learn Jesus' true teachings and build a relationship with him. Your support also allows us to spread Jesus' message of love and teachings globally. We value your donations immensely, especially since many in our community have been marginalized by other churches and find healing here.
We are an inclusive church community, welcoming everyone, including those in the LGBTQIA+ community. We advocate for equity, fairness, and social justice, and we affirm everyone's identity.
Every dollar you donate helps us serve our community and spread Jesus' teachings worldwide. We deeply appreciate any support you can give.
Please use the “Donate” icon above to give via the secure PayPal™ website with a credit card, debit card, or PayPal™ account. You'll be redirected back here after your donation is complete.
Thank you for your generosity on behalf of the Open Door OC community.
Copyright © 2000-2024 OpenDoorOC - All Rights Reserved.
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